Mihailo Radivojević was born on January, 17, year 1971. in town of Kosovska Mitrovica (Republic of Serbia). He graduated at High agriculture school in year 1989. in town of Bos. Gradiška (Bosnia and Herzegovina). In year 1998, he graduated on the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, and Department for Livestock Breeding and Animal Husbandry, with average score 8.83 while his final thesis presentation, named “Feeding of Highly Milking Cows on Dairy Farm Kovilovo”, was evaluated by score 10. In year 1998, he started postgraduate studies on University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, on Department for Livestock Breeding and Animal Husbandry, and Chair for Physiology and Nutrition of Domestic Animals. On same college, he started with PhD studies (Study program of Zootechnics) in year 2007.
Next year, by decision of the Electoral Council session of Faculty of Agriculture, on University of Belgrade, on march 23, he was appointed as, Research Assistant, for the scientific scope of Nutrition of domestic and cultivated animals. His average evaluation score during the PhD studies was 10.
In year 2010, on decembre 17, he presented his PhD thesis, named Effects of Nutrition Based on Soybean Products on Production Results of High Productive Dairy Cows, at the Chair for feeding of domestic and husbandry animals, on Faculty of Agriculture, on University of Belgrade.
In year 2013, by decision of the Scientific Council session of Institute of Food Technology in Novi Sad, he was appointed as Research Associate, in the field of biotechnical sciences - Food Engineering, on January, 23. In the city of Novi Sad, year 2016, on march 15, according to decision of Council for Science and Education, on Faculty of Ecological Agriculture (Educons University) he was appointed as Assistant Professor in the field of Domestic Animal Nutrition. He is married, and he lives and works in Belgrade.
It could be noted that Radivojević, reaches high effectiveness in work, followed by achieving of high results, both in cases of teamwork, as well as individually. His most important characteristics, that defines him as an associate, are high level of communicativity, complete respecting for other associates, as well as tendency to share his knowledge with associates.
In year 1999, starting on March 16, and up to November 30, Mihailo Radivojević used to work on Faculty of Agriculture, on University of Belgrade, as an associate on Chair for Domestic Animal Nutrition and Physiology. During that period he was involved in operative activities within the frame of scientific projects, as well as teacher in study program of ruminant nutrition. In the period between 03.07.2000. and 10.05.2002. he worked as technologist on a dairy cattle farm in agroindustrial company “PIK Zemun”, where he was in charge for the routine activities in dairy managment. That’s where he obtained essential practical expirence, both in the scope of herd managment, as well as considering solving of various practical problems about the dairy cattle nutrition. During the period between 06.06.2002. and 31.07.2011. he was employed in Institute PKB Agroekonomic, in the beginning as Principal Technical Associate for Domestic Animal Nutrition, and latter as Chief of Department for Domestic Animal Nutrition. At afforementioned positions most important activities of Mihailo Radivojević, were focused in two main directions, and those are activities in science and research, and in same time occupations in a field of educational work and consalting.
Scientific and research activities were mainly carried out in various research and field projects. Educational activities were mainly directed regard the cooperation with small farmers, which practicaly resulted in more than 150 of various presentations, workshops and trainings, organized by Institut PKB Agroeconomic, together with many industrial and social subjects (dairy proccessing companies, animal feed industry, local self-governments,…). Aforementioned activities were particulary important for Radivojević, because the transfer of new scientific knowledge, in forms applicable by farmers, usable and acceptable for them in proper frame, always is a big challenge.
Consulting activities were dominantly aimed to larger dairy farmers such as PKB Corporation, PIK Zemun, AD Dragan Marković, BD Agro and others. Within mentioned, certainly most important client was PKB Corporation. For this company, Radivojević was balancing prescriptions for dairy cattle rations, performed operational research in a field of appliance of new product and technologies, and he also was involved in education of staff. In year 2011, starting with August 1, up to July 30, Radivojević was employed in PKB Corporation as Chief Engineer for Domestic Animal Nutrition, and as First Assistant of Chief Manager for Production. However after that period he was again in Institut PKB Agroeconomic, up to August 8, 2013. Latter, and up to November 13, in year 2014, he was working in the animal feed industry, in company Paten Co, as a Senior Expert. His main activities in this company were focused at education of animal feed sellers, in a field of cattle nutrition. Second but not less important group of his activities, was in a field of support for company dealers, mainly in a manner of consalting for customers in a country and Region (BiH, Croatia, Albania) as well as abroad (Russia, Kazakhstan). During this period Radivojević was involved in designing animal feed mixtures, in a factory of company, and he also was engaged in development of new products. Now, Radivojević is working in the Institute PKB Agroeconomic, as Technical Associate for Domestic Animal Nutrition. Nowdays, just like in a former periods of his engagement in this Institute, he is also involved in organization of scientific symposium, for a decades known as “Conference of agronomists, Veterinarians, Technologists and Agricultural Economists”. He was a member of editorial board of “Proceedings of Research Papers” of aforementioned symposium. Among his various bussines successes, during the recent time, one of those that should be particulary highlighted, is renewed status of Institut PKB Agroeconomic as an Center for Development and research. Radivojević is deeply credited for it and positioning of this Institute back on the list known as Registar of Inovative Activities of the Republic of Serbia. Radivojević is one of the rare experts in a field of ruminant nutrition, that is able to perform tasks in scope of education and technology transfer, and in same time to achieve high results in scientific work and research. It is well described by the fact that he was first or the subsequent author of more than 50 published papers, both in country and abroad, as well as participation in various projects.
Mihailo Radivojević speaks, read and write in English. Among the other his skills, on fisrst place the informatic knowledge, deveploped in past few decades, should be mentioned. On the expert level, Radivojević can use informatic tools for text processing, spreadsheet calculations, data presentations as well as data bases manipulation. He also has significant knowledge in a filed of prepress processing as well as in graphical design, on sufficient level in order to cooperate with experts in a filed of press and publishing. Radivojević is also skilled in WEB design and Java Script programing, on basic level. He is one of rare experts in a country trained to use professional computer tools for balancing of ruminant rations. His knowledge in a scope of multimedial and communication software is on a higher level, as well as skills for usage in a field of statistical software.